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The 11th Annual Summer Solstice Pleasure Point Street Fair
Will Be Held On Saturday, June 21, 2025

Vendors Conditions of Agreement

Vendors Conditions of Agreement

1. Pleasure Point Street Fair reserves the right to accept or decline any applications at its discretion.

2. Each vendor must submit an individual application and payment. Spaces may be combined if arrangements are made in advance. All vendors are required to purchase event liability insurance for the day. Please follow the link below to purchase your insurance then email the proof of insurance once you have received it to [email protected]. You may also use a current liability insurance that you hold. You must ask your insurance provider to list Pleasure Point Business Association as an additional insured for the day.

Click Here For Exhibitor Application For Liability Coverage

3. Setup begins at 8:00 AM. Vendors must be ready for operation by 11:00 AM. No vendor booths, tables, tents, etc. shall begin breakdown until the event ends at 5:00 PM.

4. Vendors must staff their exhibits during the entire event from 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM

5. Vendors are responsible for setup and breakdown of their exhibits. Vendors will provide their own tents (tent sizes must correspond with the pricing selection made above) and tables unless other arrangements are made in advance.

6. Vendors must have signage clearly identifying the name of the business or organization. Food vendors must have signage clearly listing food offering and prices.

7. The use of amplified sound is prohibited in all vendor areas.

8. Vendors shall exhibit, sell, or give away only merchandise, literature, and services specified in application.

9. Vendors shall not sell or give away food or beverages without prior approval.

10. Vendors must comply with state and local regulations for their goods or food products and must present copies of all applicable licenses and/or proof of compliance with completed applications.

11. All cooking and/or heating must be done with gas or electricity. No electricity is provided. Charcoal grills are prohibited. All waste from cooking materials, supplies, and by-products (such as grease) must be disposed of in proper trash containers in an approved environmentally safe manner.

12. Vendors shall place all recyclable items in appropriate containers for recycling and supply a recycling container for customers.

13. Sales tax, when required by the state, is the responsibility of the vendor.

14. Should any contingency interrupt or prevent the holding of Pleasure Point Street Fair including, but not limited to, inclement weather, war, terrorism, or lockouts, then event coordinators and Pleasure Point Street Fair shall in no way be liable to vendors. Should any contingency prohibit the event from taking place event coordinators will make their best efforts to reschedule the event on a weekend day as near to the original date as possible or cancel the event.

15. Vendors agree to make no claim for any reason against event coordinators or the County of Santa Cruz for loss, theft, damage, or destruction of goods, nor for injury to themselves, employees, volunteers, or visitors incurred at the event.